Saturday, July 21, 2007

The waiting is the hardest part.

I believe I've used this title before. It's still true. Usually when there's something "out there" in the forseeable, not too distant, future, just waiting to see what happens IS the hardest part. Whether you're waiting to see what happens after a job interview, or wondering if you're going to bring another little soul into the world, or waiting for a bank loan to go through, there's a lot of anxiety. It can be "good anxiety," but it's nerve-wracking just the same. So while I am waiting for some things to transpire - could be a month or so before I know details I can share with everyone else - I'm trying to keep my mind busy.

My body will be busy today no matter what. Like I said yesterday, today I'm teaching in VBS for the first time since 2003. My body is not happy about this, as I have awakened with a stiff & sore left hip & lower back. My body may be protesting after I walked around a hospital wearing uncomfortable shoes, or because I spent a lot of time in the car going to Nashville & back, & to Clarksville & back, & to Ashland City & back, & to Clarksville & back, or because I sat in the floor at Books-a-Million watching crazy people walk around in costume last night, or because I had about six hours of sleep instead of a nice eight.

Totally changing the subject...Didja hear about my favorite driver, Sterling Marlin? He hasn't had a great year - or two, really - but he was planning to step back & race part-time once he finished out this year's contract. Well, he lost his ride this week in yet another typical NASCAR team move. Here's what Kyle Petty had to say. People used to race on a handshake & now even contracts are no good.

Well, I have to walk the dog, eat something & shower before I leave today, & at some point I have to get the kids going too! So I'm getting out of here for now.

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