Sunday, January 02, 2011

Nashville Cats

I guess more accurately, I could name this post "Cheatham County Cats." One such animal is purring on the couch arm just above my head. Have I told you lately how I love my laptop?

I have only one New Year's resolution for 2011, and that is, I am going to do more writing. Specifically, I am going to do more writing for my own pleasure and hopefully, for the glory of God and the pleasure of others as well. I may do more singing too but my resolution is about writing. Truthfully, I would like to get my master's in creative writing but I am not sure that would be the best option. After last semester I am definitely taking a break from my graduate work and thinking really hard before leaping back in. If the Master's in Career Technical Education program is not ready for applicants in the summer, I'll be waiting another year, and this is OK. I am not in that big of a hurry, really. I may, possibly, have to take other classes during the school year if they are only offered then. I hope not, though.

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