Sunday, July 15, 2007

We're mighty popular around here.

We have had kids & adults coming & going, calling all weekend. It is unusual for us to have so much activity around here. We still have one of Derek's friends here. And best of all, for no particular reason - not having a party or a funeral. Just people either calling or coming by or e-mailing. It's good.

I guess I needed that because I have felt kind of unliked & unwanted lately. Not by my mom - she still loves me, but she was on vacation! Really, I haven't had problems with the family (except visitors coming at all hours of the night, but that's another story!).

It's been work-related stuff bugging me. When some of these problems started creeping in to my relationship with my husband's family, it became an issue - or more specifically, about 75 small issues that are overwhelming when snowballed together - that I didn't want to deal with anymore. So I am looking into other options. I doubt any of my co-workers read my blog, but just to be on the safe side, I am not putting a lot of details in here about that.

To sort of change the subject, I enjoy reading blogs written by women who are full-time moms. I don't live a life that's anything like that. I have gone into all this before, about having two children & working full-time when that really wasn't what I wanted to do. One of those blogs is Carla's Country Living. I admire the decision Carla & her family have made to start traveling light. They're modern-day pioneers in covered wagons! (That will make more sense after you read her blog.)

In my case, simplicity's a trade-off. In order to work outside the home less, I have a much more complicated financial situation. To borrow from Paul's first letter to Timothy, in pursuing financial gain I have pierced myself with many griefs. I haven't left my faith, though at times I have felt as if I were doing things against my beliefs. Well, some of the options I have been considering are trade-offs as well. I may have to drive a little farther for a lot more benefits.

After my vacation I wrote a little about the "prosperity gospel" book I read during my vacation & how it prompted me to speak some goals...sort of a "speaking out in faith" kind of thing. I do want to say that one goal I have is to be content. I did not mention that in the earlier post, but it's definitely Biblical (see the above-mentioned letter from Paul to Timothy). But I do have to wonder if this "option" I'm speaking of is actually a means to some, perhaps all, of the goals. More on that later.

Well, I would go to bed but there's still a kid here. Doesn't his mom know I have to work tomorrow???

Oh! I must add a big "WAY TO GO!" to Tony Stewart! If my old favorite Sterling couldn't do it today, at least somebody I like won!

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