Saturday, May 19, 2007

Who am I?

That's an old Rusty Goodman song I have just learned. Rusty Goodman takes me back once again to my Madisonville, KY days. I mentioned that period of my life, along with faith, not too long ago.

I didn't know the Happy Goodman family back in the day. They left Madisonville about the time I moved in. Rusty & Sam died during the time I was there, & I clearly recall Rusty's funeral services being held there. Howard & Vestal still came to town sometimes then & I recall seeing them one weekend at Shoney's. Funny thing was, I had just seen them the week before when I was in Hendersonville helping Mom put up the flowers for a Homecoming Concert.

Well, I would write more but i'm dozing. Later.

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