Tuesday, December 25, 2007

I don't want that much for Christmas...

Like everyone else, I wish for peace...and love...and joy.

I thank God for giving us His Son, whose birth we celebrate this day.

We get so far from the reality of the reason for the season. We put the focus on outgiving other people, not because we truly want to share but so that we look more generous (and therefore more prosperous) than the rest. And if you really watch the ads, you'll find a lot more ads focusing on keeping more of those expensive toys for yourself. When did "gifting" become a word? Didn't we already have a verb for that - GIVING? But really, it IS a different action. GIVING puts the emphasis on GIVE. GIFTING puts the focus on the thing, the gift itself, the item you have to buy.

Of course, God's greatest gift was not something that you can buy, although He was sold for thirty pieces of silver.

I got a great compliment from the man of the house this morning. He told me I've really come a long way in my cooking. I guess you could take that as a left-handed compliment, like I couldn't cook worth a dime before. But, really, cooking hasn't been one of my strongest points. Oh, I was passable. I could do really simple stuff like instant oatmeal & cheese toast & macaroni & cheese. I could always make attractive salads & fairly decent cookies. I could even do good mashed potatoes & chili. But breakfast wasn't a specialty. I always made biscuits from a can. Anyway, I felt like I did breakfast all right this morning, even with biscuits from scratch!

Merry Christmas!

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